25 years supporting individuals in personal and professional growth. Jonathan helps his clients achieve clarity about what matters to them and build action plans to achieve their goals.
25 years supporting individuals in personal and professional growth. Jonathan helps his clients achieve clarity about what matters to them and build action plans to achieve their goals.
The first step to moving forward is having a clear destination in mind. Once that is determined, we explore why that destination is important and what the challenges are to get there. The next step is establishing what success looks like and how we will know that we’ve achieved the desired destination. Beyond that, the process is fully customized to the needs of each individual. There are no prescribed set of instructions! The process is both fun and hard at the same time, and the outcomes are always even better than imagined.
When working with clients who are focused on personal growth, I create a safe container for them to explore what could be possible if they had everything exactly the way they wanted it to be. I shine a light into areas they may not have yet thought to look at and then provide tools to help them start turning those dreams into reality. Leadership coaching is built around identifying the skills that the client needs to strengthen in order to achieve success in their current role or next role and can be a combination of self-discovery and coach-directed growth. In either case, I am an encourager, cheerleader, and unbiased voice of truth and reason who always shows up in a caring, loving manner with the client’s success as my number one priority.
On day one, we get very clear on the desired outcome of the coaching engagement. Then, throughout the coaching journey, we check in on the goal and ensure that we are tracking in that direction. This provides opportunities to ensure laser focus and even to modify the plan if we see that new information has provided additional insights into what is possible or priority.
If a client feels the urge to do something new, but isn’t quite sure what that might be, I find it helpful to first explore their Values to determine what the life they want to live really looks like and who they want to be. As we discover ways to live in alignment with those values we can begin to explore options to thrive in the current work environment or look for a new career that is more fulfilling.