
Setting Expectations Roleplay Prep Guide

Updated Sep 8, 20242 min
Setting Expectations Roleplay Prep Guide

Setting Expectations Roleplay Prep Guide

Updated Sep 8, 20242 min
Setting Expectations Roleplay Prep Guide

1. Clarity of Expectations

  • List the expectations you want to set

  • Ensure each one is aligned with an observable behavior or a measurable output

  • Define quality standards and deadlines for each

Example: "Submit weekly report by 5 PM Friday, including X, Y, Z metrics"

2. Engagement and Empathy

  • Ask about potential challenges: "What obstacles do you foresee?"

  • Invite questions and suggestions for improvement

  • Address concerns empathetically: "I understand [concern]. Let's find a solution."

3. Accountability and Ownership

  • Clearly state outcomes for meeting/not meeting expectations

  • Link expectations to personal/team goals

  • Secure verbal commitment: "Can I count on you to deliver this?"

Quick Tips

  1. Be specific and measurable

  2. Invite dialogue throughout

  3. Show empathy for challenges

  4. Connect expectations to broader goals

  5. End with clear agreement and next steps

Remember: Balance firmness in expectations with openness to input.

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